On My Own

Our Programs

Independent Living Skills &
Supported Living Skills
Learning to be self-sufficient in today's society is essential for living independently. However, the barriers can be overwhelming, particularly for those with intellectual disabilities. The purpose of On My Own is to break down those barriers, create opportunities, and promote change. Our Independent Living Skills (ILS) and Supportive Living Skills (SLS) training programs assist individuals by providing them the necessary tools to make informed decisions about their own lives. With the support of our qualified ILS/SLS staff, individuals will learn strategies to achieve their highest level of independence whether one chooses to remain at home with family or live on their own.
Services Provided
Banking, money management, bill paying
Home search and furnishing support
Traveling and using public transportation
Communication and social skills
Self-care, sex education, medical appointment support
Self-advocacy, problem-solving, support groups
Increasing access to support and resources
Networking and finding social and recreational opportunities
House cleaning skills and laundry support
Hygiene, dressing tips, and etiquette
Employment, computer training, and goal setting
Functional reading & math skills, adult education
Food banks, shopping, meal planning, nutrition
Pedestrian skills and personal safety
Legal and court support, IHSS referral support